Revija Reporter

Oglaševanje / Advertising

Tednik Reporter izhaja ob ponedeljkih že 17. leto, revijo pa izdaja zasebno podjetje Reporter Media d. o.o. Prva številka Reporterja je izšla 19. maja 2008.

Reporter je neodvisen, kritičen, preiskovalen in ekskluziven tedenski magazin. Prinaša poglobljene zgodbe in analize s področja politike, gospodarstva in ostalega družbenega življenja - s področja kulture, estrade in športa.

Tednik Reporter smo pred leti nadgradili s posebno life&style revijo Reporter Magazin.

Že od samega začetka izdajanja tiskanega Reporterja pa deluje tudi spletna stran Obisk Reporterjeve spletne strani strmo raste in po podatkih Google Analytics že dosega 210.000 enkratnih uporabnikov (unique users) mesečno. Članke z naše spletne strani redno objavlja tudi eden največjih slovenskih novičarskih portalov, revija Reporter pa je prisotna tudi na družbenih omrežjih facebook in twitter.


Reporter is a weekly magazine, which is issued every Monday, for the 17. year in a row. The first number was issued on 19th of May 2008 and until today we have already published over 300 hundred issues and over 3 million copies of the above mentioned magazine. This is more than the existing population of Slovenia (2 million inhabitants). In this times of crisis, where press media are in consistant decline, Reporter has managed to position itself on the market and sell over 10.000 copies of Reporter per week and is one the rare stories of success in the last years in the field of press media in Slovenian market.

In 2011 we have upgraded Reporter with a special life&style magazine which we named Reporter magazin and is issued only four times a year. From the beginning of publishing Reporter, we are simultaneously editing a web page, which we renovated in 2011 and is also being renovated now. In the past few months the web site is drastically gaining unique users and we are now at approximately around 200.000 unique users per month according to MOSS (measurement of web site visits). On our web site we are publishing photo stories, videos and other texts. Articles from our web site are also regularly published on one the largest news portal in Slovenia Reporter is also present on social networks such as Facebook and twitter.

Reporter is an independent, critical, investigatory and exclusive weekly magazine which brings in depth analysis and stories from politics, economy and other social area of our life, such as, culture, sport, health, culinary and tourism.

Oglaševanje v Reporterju vam priporočamo, kadar želite doseči:
  • aktivno populacijo
  • populacijo s srednjo, višjo in visoko izobrazbo
  • populacijo z višjo kupno močjo
  • populacijo iz urbanih naselij
  • zaposlene na vodstvenih in vodilnih položajih
  • populacijo z aktivnim življenjskim slogom

Vodja oglasnega trženja

Aleš Černigoj
Telefon: (01) 588 03 73, 040 777 105

Cenik oglasnega prostora tiskane izdaje v EUR
2/1 barvno (dvostranski oglas) 3200 €
1/1 barvno (ovitek 4 - zadnja stran) 3000 €
1/1 barvno (ovitek 2, 3) 2600 €
1/1 barvno (notranja stran) 2300 €
1/2 barvno 1200 €
1/3 barvno 900 €
1/4 barvno 600 €
1/6 barvno 450 €
1/8 barvno 300 €
1 cm/kol. barvno 32 €

Cene so v evrih brez DDV.

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